What is MagnaWave?
Magna Wave PEMF is a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency delivered through a coil that is placed on your pet, equine athlete, or yourself by a Certified Magna Wave Practitioner. The blood oxygenation is said to increase, activate the lymphatic system and stimulate acupuncture points. This process reduces pain and inflammation, and if we can reduce the pain and swelling, the body can begin to heal itself naturally.

What Can MagnaWave Do for Pets?
MagnaWave positively charges blood cells so that they repel one another (like-magnetic charges repel), making it impossible for them to stick together. This maximizes the ability of the blood cells to perform their tasks in the capillaries of all the major organs. The work of the lungs, liver, intestines and kidneys is optimized when proper and full blood flow can take place. When the blood is oxygenated, so are the organs and tissues, reducing disease which can produce imbalances and sickness.
Magna Wave PEMF Can Relieve Pain From…
- Arthritis & Osteoporosis
- Sprains & Strains
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Headaches & Migraines
- Depression
- Urinary Incontinence
- Accelerate Healing Time of
Fractures & Wounds - Increase Range of Motion
- Drug Free
Arthritis Relief
Heidi is a three year old German Shepard that had an injury to her right foot and shoulder causing her to have early onset of arthritis and loose a toe. She often limps when she walks. She loves living on the farm and being active. Before we discovered Magna Wave PEMF she had lost some of her pep because the Arthritis was giving her pain, but now she has weekly Magna Wave PEMF treatments and it's like nothing ever happened. She is back to her old self!
PEMF treatment in Pairs
Ima is a Service Dog, Greta is her best friend. Greta has front leg issues due to conformation and loading heavy on the front end. Ima plays Fly ball and Frisbee when she is not working. Both girls lay on the Butterfly loop when they are getting Magna Wave PEMF treatment. They did not want to move or share!
Hip Degeneration
Ch. Quantum's Reign at Aberdeen is my 14 year old, retired Airedale show dog who gets weekly Magna Wave PEMF treatments. When I first began treating Reign three months ago she was in very poor condition from hip degeneration and was not capable of getting up to go outside. She had to be carried outside in a sling to go to the bathroom and the owners thought it was the end of life for her. After just two Magna Wave PEMF treatments Reign began trotting down the drive to greet me for subsequent PEMF treatments. Magna Wave PEMF and acupuncture are now allowing Reign to enjoy her retirement life pain free!